Monday, October 28, 2013

Captain John Row

John Sanders Row, at right

     Earlier this year I submitted an article to the Orange County Historical Society about my cousin John Row. I have always been fond of old John and I included in my piece everything I could find about him, including the proverbial kitchen sink. I was politely informed that my piece was a trifle too long for publication and as the months passed I had almost forgotten about it. You can understand my surprise when in today's post there came to hand the current number of The Record, which included my story of John's life.
     In the photograph above, John is sitting next to his brother, Dr. Elhanon Winchester Row, who would become regimental surgeon for the 14th Virginia Cavalry. At far left is James Roach, who was quite an interesting fellow in his own right. This photograph was made in 1862 when they all served in Company I of the Sixth Virginia Cavalry.
     Here is the article in its entirety [All images in my blog may be clicked on for enlarged viewing]:


  1. Thank-you for posting all this information about John Sanders Row. My family is currently doing research on our Row family genealogy and this article has been of great help. John Sanders Row is my great great great grandfather. We are taking a trip to Orange County soon.

    1. How exciting to hear from you. If you would care to contact me at the email address in the column at right, I would love to exchange information with you.
